2024-01-26 14:32:07 -

2024-01-10 23:56:12 -

2024-01-01 21:29:52 -

2024-01-16 11:27:12 -

2024-01-03 21:19:33 -

2024-01-17 09:45:33 -

2024-01-25 17:28:57 -

2024-01-01 01:27:49 -
联想京东旗舰店的,还是可以相信的,买的时候也比较便宜,还有京东物流很快 产品包装:包装很不错,没有任何破损。 背包容量中等,能装下笔记本和电源器,键盘啥的应该放不下了,总的来说还可以

2024-01-03 22:16:52 -
发货快 质量好 品牌值得信赖

2024-01-23 09:35:29 -

度假加勒比(七) 波多黎各(Puerto Rico)

波多黎各(Puerto Rico)

於加勒比海東北, 多米尼加共和國以東, 美、英屬維京群島以西, 是美國的領土。人口三百五十萬, 僅次於古巴和牙買加。官方語言為西班牙語和英語, 首都三王是最大城市。

哥倫布第二次遠航美洲的1493年, 就將其納入了西班牙帝國版圖。與古巴一樣, 1898年以前, 一直是西班牙殖民地。殖民初期, 因歐洲傳染病流行, 人口死亡率極高, 當地土著亦被強迫為奴。

西班牙西印度艦隊, 常年航行於該島與本土之間。自1508年建立殖民統治以來, 儘管法國、德國和英國曾虎視眈眈, 多次打算入侵, 西班牙人一直成功保持著該島西班牙領土的地位。


大約1890年的美國海軍戰爭委員會委員阿爾弗萊德•馬漢著作, 《海上勢力回顧》, 就提出仿照英國皇家海軍, 建立強大海軍的設想。其戰略思維的一部分, 就是收購加勒比海的殖民地, 作為海軍補給站, 並成為防禦巴拿馬運河建設的戰略要衝。身為林肯和格蘭特兩屆總統國務卿的威廉•瑟沃德, 一再強調在洪都拉斯、尼加拉瓜或者巴拿馬, 建設一條溝通大西洋與太平洋運河的重要性, 建議美國吞併多米尼加共和國, 收購波多黎各和古巴。國會沒有通過他的吞併提案, 西班牙也回絕了美國所提一億六千萬美元購買波多黎各和古巴的出價。

從1894年起, 美國海軍學院就開始著手與西班牙開戰的計劃。等到了1896年, 美國海軍情報部就已提交在波多黎各水域軍事行動的作戰計劃。

1898年, 美軍入侵波多黎各, 登陸瓜尼卡。西美戰爭之後, 美西簽訂巴黎條約, 西班牙籤城下之盟, 割讓其控制下的波多黎各, 放棄古巴主權。同時, 從西班牙人手中, 美國還獲得了菲律賓和關島。哼, 列強也簽“不平等條約”, 中國連列強都算不上, 對於清政府所簽歷史條約, 有什麼好抱怨的呢。

二十世紀初, 波多黎各是一直處於美軍事統治下的殖民地, 總督由美國總統任命。 1914年, 波多黎各議員一致投票要求從美國獨立, 美國國會以違憲之說拒絕了波多黎各獨立。 1917年, 美國國會通過瓊斯法案, 授予波多黎各人美國公民身份。而當地議員一致反對, 認為是美國想徵召波多黎各壯丁參加第一次世界大戰的伎倆。

1936年, 美國參議院梅納德•泰丁斯提案支持波多黎各獨立, 然而自由黨議員路易•馬丁堅決反對, 泰丁斯提案無法獲得所需票數通過, 反而與邁克杜飛聯名的另一提案, 獲得了通過, 導致菲律賓獨立。

1947年, 美國授權波多黎各自選總督, 路易•馬丁高票當選首任波多黎各民選總督。
如今, 出生在波多黎各的人, 自然享有美國公民身份。可以自選總督, 卻無代表波多黎各的聯邦國會議員, 也不能選舉美國總統。雖然2012年公投大選顯示大部分(54%)選民希望改變, 成為與美國其他州擁有同等地位第五十一州, 但目前波多黎各依然維持只是美國領土的現實。

波多黎各聯邦國土陸地面積五千三百二十平方英里, 海洋面積一千九百平方英里, 主島東西長約一百一十英里, 南北寬約四十英里。位於熱帶地區, 雨季從四月份一直延至十一月份, 全年平均溫度攝氏二十八度。

初到三王, 匆匆忙忙便登上郵輪, 沒有來得及看看三王一眼, 也是意料之中的事。我們決定下船後在三王住上一晚, 也好多了解了解美國這個特殊的地方。這裡與美國本土差別不大, 汽油價格已經回到兩塊多一加侖, 麥當勞快餐沿街隨處可見, 公路上的車流也一律靠右行駛。

我們決定租輛車, 方便島上出行, 太太們在三王港外守著行李, 我和朋友來到不遠處的喜來登飯店打聽租車事宜。飯店裡只有赫茨一家, 由於沒有事先預定, 租價高不說, 也沒有合適的車型, 一百六十幾塊錢一天的租價, 我們怕太太們不會批准。還在猶豫, 赫茨女士建議我們找大堂服務員問問, 他們常常有自己的租車公司, 也許會便宜一些。

按她指點, 我們請大堂服務員尋個價, 她操起電話聯繫了幾個地方, 一個叫塔戈特的公司報價六十幾美元一天, 包括所有保險, 而且負責機場或碼頭接送, 比我們打的都便宜, 還可以自駕兜風, 島上油價也便宜, 真是家不錯的租車公司。租下車以後, 我們要了公司的聯繫地址, 以後要來三王, 先打電話定車, 他們就會來機場接人。

為了方便, 花十塊錢, 又租了個導航定位裝置。從租車公司拿車出來, 決定先去飯店放行李, 稍事休息, 再出門玩耍。朋友很快就駕駛著小紅車, 飛奔在高速公路上。前方出現收費站, 離開裝有快速通行電子卡的車流, 我們靠向右邊車道, 排隊等候付款, 隊列前面一輛小車不知何故, 堵在扔錢的簍筐前面一直不肯離去, 所有排隊車輛均不能通過。我們轉向人工收費通道, 慢慢向前蠕動, 輪到我們付款時, 收款員說我們租的車裝有快速通行電子卡, 不用交錢。喔, 我們不但知道了租車價格居然包括了買路錢, 還避免了下面我們會傻乎乎地往收費站簍筐里扔買路錢的行為。

事先訂妥的酒店位於多拉多海灘度假村, 離開三王市中心大約十幾英里。往西的地區, 看似相對富裕, 道路綠化整潔, 建築物也比較新。出得高速, 七彎八拐, 一輛軍車橫在前邊, 太太問我看見車牌沒有, 我問為什麼, 她說那是赫赫有名的美軍第82空絳師的車子。三王島上想必定有美國陸軍第八十二空絳師駐紮。

通過多拉多海灘度假村門衛以後, 道路兩旁綠茵一片, 高爾夫球場邊的水池邊, 成群野鴨漫步, 幾乎看不見打高爾夫的人。村內出現很多公寓型住宅, 靠海而立。據說很多退休美國老人來加勒比地區置地, 以備退休後居住, 這裡的房子很像就是那一類。


像鴨子般, 我們的小紅車, 穿過村內林蔭道路, 慢慢向大海那邊有總務服台的建築駛來。地面若隱若現的減速磕碰帶讓朋友不敢掉以輕心, 不久前在市區內行駛時, 他沒有註意到地面的磕碰帶, 幾位乘客幾乎飛到車頂, 小車的減震效果遠遠不如我們習慣的美國房車。

登記入住的時候, 朋友說我們訂的兩套套房有點奢華, 一套就足夠我們四人使用了, 房間是我預定的, 沒有徵求朋友意見, 只好下次咯。

波多黎各東北面有個艾雲雀國家森林公園, 屬熱帶雨林, 是美國國家公園中唯一的熱帶雨林。驅車三十分鐘, 買了三張老人票後進入一個綠色世界。這裡開放著奇花異草, 山間彎曲的小道鬱鬱蔥蔥, 岩石壁上飛瀑直下, 真是夏日納涼的好去處。

波多黎各位於北迴歸線南側, 屬於熱帶氣候。溫度和日照長度相當穩定, 年平均溫度華氏八十至七十度。艾雲雀國家公園全年降雨, 沒有明顯的旱季和雨季之分, 一年超過二百英寸的充足降雨, 成就了理想的叢林環境。枝葉繁茂, 峭壁瀑布和河流, 乃此處普遍景觀。林中有許多叢林小徑, 成了動植物賴以生長的理想樂園。

我們的小車時走時停, 參觀的遊人不少, 但一點不顯擁擠, 公園二萬八千多英畝的佔地是個很大的原因。主峰艾托若, 海拔三千四百九十四英尺, 俯闞大半個波多黎各, 藍天碧水, 盡收眼底。


回程我接過了方向盤, 乘客們開始打瞌睡, 雖然盡力辨認路標和公路施工繞行指示牌, 還是讓租來的導航定位儀領著偏離高速, 走街串巷了。朋友們預計趕快回酒店開戰的牌局, 也不得不推遲幾小時。

多拉多海灘度假村有一片屬於自己的海灘, 住店的人們, 或在露天泳池內戲水, 或在海濱沙灘享受日光浴。

我們也不例外, 一人一隻沙灘椅, 朋友躺在美女近旁遠望碧波蕩漾。太太們耶樹下東家里長, 我的躺椅是空著的, 正在爬過伸向海中形成海灣的一個個巨大礁石, 使用手中的愛帕德記錄著這美麗的景色。缺少少林站樁功夫, 歸程, 一不當心, 掉進了石縫間, 遠處的太太們看得真切, 愛莫能助, 焦心地等待我爬出來。萬幸啊, 重新爬上礁石, 伸伸胳膊, 踢踢腿, 拍拍沙粒, 安然無恙, 居然連愛帕德也毫髮未損。


回到酒店內, 大家先點了免費的雞尾酒飲料, 再下單兩個皮薩餅, 牌局就開始了。這次出行, 四人皆牌協要員, 打牌是必須的, 從船上到船下, 沒有活動的時候, 找朋友就是活動。我和朋友太太搭檔, 太太和朋友一邊, 船上畫廊旁的沙發咖啡桌, 圖書室的圓桌, 還有飛機場的候機室, 都是牌場, 候機最易消磨時間的就數這項活動。我們這隊老是吵吵嚷嚷, 抱怨不斷, 太太那隊趁此機會升級連連, 旅行就這麼行著, 牌局則從南美打倒北美。

A little hard to break in. After that I was well pleased.
- Guam

I love these shoes. This is my 3rd pair of them. Very comfortable
- Singapore

They arrived quickly and as described.... I like the comfort and the colors....
- Singapore

FAST shipping, product as advertised and on my feet as I type this !No issues 100% happy.
- Singapore

The Nike Air Monarch IV 415445-001 Men's Performance Running Shoes feels comfortable and great for walking
- Singapore

I ordered these for my husband who needed black shoes for work. He says they are very comfortable and fit perfectly!
- Switzerland

Love these! Perfect shoes for a letter carrier! Pair these with happystep memory foam insoles and you get to walk on pillows all day!
- Switzerland

My husband has wore this brand for awhile now. We normally got them from JC Penney's but found them on for a lower price. Happy with the purchase.
- Singapore

This is about the 4th time that I have purchased these shoes. The other purchases were done from Penneys. They no longer appear to carry my size (square feet) in stock.
- Singapore

This is my husband's favorite shoe for comfort! He wears them for 'good' and when his older ones wear out, he rotates the newer one for work, and orders a new pair. He says they provide him with the perfect amount of support!
- Singapore

2024-01-12 08:57:16--
The noise reduction effect is much better than expected. It's very convenient to listen to music, watch videos, answer and make calls. It's really worth recommending

2024-01-12 08:52:39--
Everything in order but they don't bring a box ...

2024-01-12 08:51:58--
Perfect better than real

2024-01-12 08:51:53--
Great and Super Fast Shipping

2024-01-12 08:51:30--
o Top fast delivery in less than 10 days very well redone good size I recommend ++++

2024-01-12 08:51:20--
Good product thanks

2024-01-12 08:48:44--
shoes are great just too small. will definitely be ordering again

2024-01-12 08:48:16--
great product

2024-01-12 08:48:11--
Great quality!

2024-01-12 08:46:00--
most comfortable shoes i have ever worn/bought in my life!!

2024-01-12 08:45:54--
no box but look perfect. fit is good and arrived super fast.

2024-01-04 19:04:38--
About the same price as in the store but if you know your size far easier than going to one.

2024-01-04 19:02:53--
True to size..rubber sole..great quality

2024-01-04 19:00:44--
Very compliant

2024-01-04 19:00:15--
delicious product

2024-01-04 18:57:37--
Perfect, equal in all respects to the originals. The only flaw, take one more size or risk making them ascertain them. For the rest really excellent!

2024-01-04 18:54:36--
Ok for the price

2024-01-04 18:52:53--
Shoes are excellent was definitely not expecting them to be this good

2024-01-04 18:52:17--
Great 😁

2024-01-04 18:51:01--
Shoes were great.

2024-01-04 18:50:39--
Wow! These are perfect

2024-01-04 18:48:46--
Great product and seller is very helpful

2024-01-04 18:48:39--
Absolutely love! Will be ordering more

2024-01-04 18:47:57--
The shoe fits per your true size great quality

2024-01-04 18:47:07--
very fast and very good quality will b ordering again

2024-01-04 18:43:48--
Shoes look great received in 17 days in US

2024-01-04 18:43:02--
Super nice shoes truly authentic stitching and everything perfect awesome seller from start to finish to delivery under three weeks I highly recommend this seller track in math it was also very good

2024-01-04 18:41:51--
Wasn’t exactly what I ordered but close enough happy with the quality

2024-01-04 18:41:00--
A Quality.

2024-01-04 18:40:39--

2024-01-04 18:40:10--
These are great!

2024-01-04 18:37:20--
Great product! My wife was so happy!

2024-01-04 18:37:14--
speedy delivery excellent quality

2024-01-04 18:35:50--
The seller is really good, thank you very much!

2024-01-04 18:34:50--
Love them. They look great. Even came with the box

2024-01-04 18:32:40--

2024-01-04 09:22:39--
Glasses received, the kind I want, satisfied

2024-01-04 09:20:53--
The quality of glasses is very good. They can be used day and night! Comfortable to wear, not heavy to wear, just the right size! It is worth recommending and buying!!!

2024-01-04 09:20:30--
The sunscreen effect is alright. Anyway, I don’t feel the sun dazzling when wearing it. Because the frame is made of plastic, it is very light. I am not afraid of getting smudged when I make up, but it also has no texture. As for other aspects, it is a very gentle color. Overall still satisfied.

2024-01-04 09:20:00--
Size not accurate garbage shoe

2024-01-04 09:19:20--
It’s good

2024-01-04 09:19:14--
feel nice.

2024-01-04 09:17:30--
now I ordered the correct size I'm more than happy amazing quality

2024-01-04 09:16:48--
This shoes are so beautiful it looks so real in person. I am happy with my purchases. The most important part for me is how professional and kind the seller is .All my questions were answered right away the seller help me with the sizing and fitting and my shoes fit perfectly. My order was so quick. I’ll be ordering from this seller more shoes.

2024-01-04 09:16:42--
I really love it and came on time thank you

2024-01-04 09:16:31--
10/10 Will definitely be buying again! I purchased them and was very skeptical, did take almost a month for them to get here but they're perfect. Highly recommend from this buyer.

2024-01-04 09:13:50--
These were nice just had a few little dirt marks on them around the shoe string part

2024-01-04 09:12:15--
Nice shoes, fitting like EU size!

2024-01-04 09:11:50--
2nd time buying quick and sneaker is perfect. winner again

2024-01-04 09:09:56--
ABSOLUTE GORGEOUS SHOE! Came with a box and they are so perfect! Look completely like the real thing! Highly recommend this dealer!!

2024-01-04 09:08:55--
The quality of the bag is amazing, and even the details are amazing. Recommend this seller to family/friends. Don't hesitate to place an order and make a purchase quickly

2024-01-04 09:08:30--
Wow! ! ! ! Definitely better than I expected... The customer service attitude is good, I recommend you to buy it, the delivery is fast, the product is good, effective, the quality is very good, exactly as described by the seller, very beautiful, thank you owner

2024-01-04 09:08:22--
I like this bag!! It looks exactly like the real thing, and the price is very affordable. It's very punctual. The shipment was faster than I expected.. It took a little over two weeks to receive it in California. This is my first purchase on DHgate, and this work exceeded my expectations. Thank you

2024-01-04 09:07:08--
Loved it but broke after 2 wears

2024-01-04 09:06:42--
superb as expected second purchase will buy again.

2024-01-04 09:06:13--
Great Exactly What I W anted

2024-01-04 09:02:33--
Very unsatisfied

2024-01-04 09:02:22--
It's okay for the most part, there isnt a transparency mode even if you select the version with the ANC, audio quality is mediocre, the louder it is the worse the quality

2024-01-04 09:00:06--
Great sound quality, comfortable to wear, clear voice calls, great!

2024-01-04 08:58:26--
Exquisite workmanship, convenient connection, comfortable in ear, definitely worth recommending!!

Displaying 1 to 60 (of 833 reviews)

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